WHEREAS, the Reseller has purchased SWC and wishes to resell SWC to its customers using terms
and conditions set out in the SWC Master Reseller Agreement.
1. All references set out in the SWC Master Reseller Agreement are hereby replaced with
Reseller; and
2. Reseller hereby amends and agrees to the conditions set out in the SWC Master Reseller
Agreement in respect of its contractual relationship with its customers.
3. The creators of SWC have the right to deny the sale of its products by any reseller to any end point user (also known as customer) who is not approved by SWC. Violation of this agreement
may result in the forfeiture of the resellers licensing rights
By: Stephanie Agramonte & Sabrina Diaz
Collectively Known as “SWC”
Contact: [email protected]